Thursday, July 22, 2021

Pupusas and Marty the angry Jew 4/12/2021

 April 12, 2021

This week was a crazy one, haha. We met a dude that really, really wants to be baptized, we ate wayyyy too many pupusas, went on exchanges and we found out that park-contacting is now allowed and I also had my first in person Zone Conference! 

I had some very interesting interactions with people this week.  I met a guy who knows the Book of Mormon is true because Joseph Smith was a FreeMason and so was this guy..he also has a tat on his neck of the illuminati symbol, hahaha I love LA! 

Baked tons of cookies so we could stop by some people who had talked to missionaries in the past. One of the most memorable guys was Marty. Marty is the classic old guy: very, very Jewish "but not a good jew at that" according to himself, haha. We knocked on his door and he started popping off about how the New Testament is apostasy and such but by the end of it we were laughing and he took a pass-along card and gave it to his son "who is very christian" haha he is such a homie. 

Spiritual experience of the week. My companion hadn't been endowed yet so as soon as the LA temple opened he scheduled a session.  Because I am his companion I got to go through the session with him, another set of missionaries, some senior missionaries and my mission President. It was really, really cool.  The temple presidency was really excited to have missionaries going through.

Isaiah 64:8
"But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we are the clay, and thou our potter; and we all are the work of thy hand."

We are all examples of Christ. As we turn to God and allow him to 'mold' us, guide us, and help us throughout life we will develop christ-like attributes allowing us to bless others. We were invited by President Nelson to "Get rid of debris in our life that limits our ability to feel the spirit". As we turn to God and allow him to mold us we will become the people we want to become and we will become the examples that our heavenly father wants us to be. 

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Hearing the Restoration over the pulpit Inbox

 July 26, 2021 Welcome back! I can't believe it has already been a week, mission time is flying by.  This is the run down of my week. - ...