Monday, March 15, 2021

3 minutes to prep a sacrament talk.....

 March 1, 2021

Hey Everyone, hope you all had an amazing week! 

Sorry for the trash emails lately haha can't promise that this one will be better but I'll try.. P. S. It's a long one

My companion and I started off the week with another hike.....well actually it was the same hike as last week, haha. North Hollywood doesn't have many hikes to choose from but we make it work. We woke up bright and early @5am to watch the sunrise, SO worth it! Nothing beats starting the day off with a nice sunrise hike! Peep the sunrise pics below. 

Tuesday we found a friend! From what we hear, he is an eternigator.. (someone who learns about the Church but doesn't take action). It's kind of funny because he has been taught a lot but struggles with some simple things that apparently past missionaries struggled to explain. For example, he hadn't understood that faith precedes a miracle or the fact that faith is a catalyst so we shared Ether 12:12 "For if there be no faith among the children of men God can do no miracle among them; wherefore, he showed not himself until after their faith." With that scripture we were able to solve a concern or two on the first visit, we have high hopes for this friend, keep him in your prayers 🙏 

Then Wednesday we were able to get in touch with TONS of members in the new ward we are covering. We have some pretty cool members, pretty stoked to be working with the ward and their friends. One member we had the chance to meet has a garage full of restored old cars and it happens to be a part member family, so you already know I'm gonna be sliding in and preaching to him, haha. 

The LA mission is still pretty uptight with covid rules, gotta love the governor... But anyway, the only way we can talk to members or 'friends' (investigators) in person is if we 'drop something off' haha so my comp and I have been baking tons and tons of cookies for members so we can meet as many people face-face as possible. It's been so nice getting to talk to people in person, makes me feel like a real missionary instead of a 'covid' missionary, haha rip. If you have any good cookie and/or brownie recipes let me know! Or any baking tips I could use them. Honestly, if you have any fire recipes send them on over, haha. 

Sunday was definitely an interesting day.  Because we cover 2 wards we have 2 sacrament meetings and 2 wards to communicate with. 3 minutes before sacrament meeting we got a call from our Bishop and we were asked to speak, so that was pretty fun. I talked about myself and what enduring to the end means, I killed it 😎 hahaha

Spiritual thought for the week:
In a Come Follow Me study with a ward member we talked about what the Lord had asked Martin Harris to sacrifice and we talked about what the Lord has asked us to 'sacrifice' in this life. It's funny because we got talking a little bit and in the grand-scheme of things any 'sacrifice' we are asked to make on earth will be so menial that it can't be compared to the reward that we will receive. The suffering that we may feel when we sacrifice something for our Heavenly Father may seem like it sucks, but always remember that his reward that is promised will be greater than all rewards. 

                      Roman's 8:16-18
        16) The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
   17) And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
   18) For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Elder Clark


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