Wednesday, July 21, 2021


 March 22, 2021


I went on exchanges to the great city of Sylmar and woah that place is not LA.....horses cruising the streets, trucks, more trucks and mountains. Interesting to say the least, felt like I was in Yee Yee town. We saw a bit of success in Sylmar, we had a Bible Referral named Gabriel, we made him a friend! He was talking about baptism and such after the first meeting, anyways he's super interested in the gospel and loves Jesus so he is the perfect investigator. We then headed over to a recent converts house named Gio, she is 21 and pretty sick. She and her family are pretty boujee, haha. They fed us some fire tacos and we got to talk about the Tree of Life and got to know the family over some fine street tacos, pretty dank. 

We finished off the day with some service... We actually started the day off with the service but I didn't wanna rewrite my email so now i'ma tell you about the service we did. we ripped up some carpet in a members house and let me tell you... that carpet was disgusting!  I made the members pick me up some gloves, haha.  There was no way I was gonna touch that crusty, moldy carpet without them. Then Elder Cooper and I headed over to the most yee yee gun-loving Californian I've ever met. The minute I said hi to him he pulled out a glock and handed it to me (allegedly) and by the end of the service I had seen so many guns, and when I say so many, I mean he had at least 20 sitting around and tens-of-thousands of rounds, also saw his 50 BMG, he doesn't have, hahaha I've said too much. Such a wack dude but I loved the guns!

The CLAM (California Los Angeles Mission)  finally saw some covid restrictions relax! About time, smh. We can now visit inside members' homes if they've had the vaccine and can eat dinners with them as long as it's outside.  We had dinner on Saturday and have another tonight! So stoked for some 'real' missionary moments, haha. 

That's basically the week but I'll finish off with a spiritual thought :) 
        Opposition provides choice, we make these choices based on our desires, thoughts and our daily influences. Our choices and actions show if we want to be blessed or cursed, joyful or sorrowful. Always remember that the hard days will get better, you will cherish the good days more after the bad days have passed and you will have grown to become a more Christ-like person. 
 Opposition truly helps us grow stronger: “Life will not be free from challenges, some of them bitter and hard to bear. We may wish to be spared all the trials of life, but that would be contrary to the great plan of happiness....‘for it must needs be, that there is an opposition in all things’ (2 Nephi 2:11).  The hard days, the tests, they are all the  source of our strength. 

Elder Clark

Cool sunset

California flag picture with Elder Vave

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Hearing the Restoration over the pulpit Inbox

 July 26, 2021 Welcome back! I can't believe it has already been a week, mission time is flying by.  This is the run down of my week. - ...