Thursday, August 5, 2021

The Mexican Beverly Hills - Transfers

 August 2, 2021

As the New York Times would say, "I am in the Mexican Beverly Hills" hahaha.

This week is transfers and against all odds Elder Frasure and I became comps, such a miracle  😎 The ultimate duo has been born. Bell is about to see the best transfer it's ever seen. Stay tuned. 

This week was pretty awesome. We found a few friends, the most memorable was Pablo. Pablo is a part-member family (only the wife is a member). We stopped by and ended up waiting at their door for wayyy too long but God definitely wanted us there, haha. A jacked dude pulls up in a Honda Civic, hops out, and walks through us and the front door without saying anything. We ended up starting a conversation about working out and how this dude is so massive, he then started giving us workout advice and we finished off by talking about how faith is like a muscle. Long story short the dude is a legend and I'm stoked to be teaching him. 

Crazy story, we were sitting at a park bench teaching some random woman about the Book of Mormon and polygamy and out of nowhere a squirrel falls out of a palm tree from 40 feet up. It took a nap and tweaked out on the ground for a sec and then ended up running off, haha pretty crazy. 

Also I tried speaking Spanish to a member of the ward on Sunday and ended up telling her "nice to meet you cake, I like cookies more" hahahaha don't even ask 😂 

3 Nephi 18:20
"whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you."
Here's a bomb scripture for you guys! Have a good week!

Elder Clark
P. S. my old comp is 6'6 so if I look short in that picture it's because I am. 


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