Monday, December 21, 2020

Week 1: Hopped off the plane at LAX

 November 30, 2020

LA is nuts... one week In and i've already seen one homeless dude bootie naked on the street, a hit and run then a protest. 

First day was very hectic because we had no itinerary and all new missionaries were left to figure out stuff on our own. Had a few meetings and the mission pres Told me to cut my hair in a joking way but low-key he was serious.. but that won't be happening   :) 

My second day was cool. It was my first full day in LA and my first day of teaching. I moved into my apartment and learned who my companion would be, he's pretty cool but neither of us know how to cook... so if u have easy cheap recipes send them my way!! I Taught my first lesson within an hour of moving into the apartment which was mega stressful but it went pretty good. Then finished the day off with lots of study and a few more lessons.

Then the rest of the week was very similar to my second day, lots of studies, getting to know my companion, learning how to be a missionary, learning the ward and quite a bit of teaching. I got to teach 3 in person lessons this week which is pretty good for covid times. LA is super strict so it's been tough but I've been getting out and walking around and learning the city but it's illegal to proselyte on the streets in LA.

A friend AKA an investigator named John AKA "the tooth paste man" was investigating the church before I arrived and they lost contact with him for months due to him being busy with work and such. On Thursday my companion and I were able to reconnect with him! He wanted some more lessons and "couldn't forget what we had taught him and had been thinking about it" so we set up a phone call for tomorrow. I was stoked!  

The car scene here is sooooo sick! Santa Monica has everything from G wagons to super cars and Supras. Anytime we leave the apartment we see something sick rolling down the street. Keeps me motivated ha

Also if you know anyone that hasn't been getting my emails and asked/wants to be on the list let me know and I will add them.

Picture 1: my companion, elder Hendrickson. He took 2nd in state for bowling in New mexico šŸ¤”  he's sick tho 

Picture 2: I made french toast!

Picture 3: We balled out for Thanksgiving. 

Picture 4: cool view walking around our apartment 

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