Monday, December 21, 2020

Made it to LA safely!

 From Aiden:

Made it here safe! Flew with like 9 kids then tons more showed up at the mission office or wherever I am. So far they have given us no information/schedule so I've just been chilling in the temple housing with some random kid AKA my temporary companion. Not only have they given us no info. on what we are supposed to be doing but they also forgot to bring me my dinner so I had to go find it ha! Love this mission thing so much already. This place is very dairy free friendly... had some chicken Alfredo for dinner with a chocolate cake as dessert. Epic 

From the Mission President:

25 Nov 2020 


Sister Clark,


Elder Aiden Larry Clark arrived safely to this mission 23 Nov 2020. After prayerful consideration, Elder Seth Hendrickson was selected to be his companion.  We make every effort to assign only the very best missionaries to be trainers, as these first few months are critical in the life of a new missionary.  Attached are some arrival pictures of your missionary.


During the course of his mission he will be transferred from place to place, therefore, we ask that all his mail be sent to the following address:


Elder Aiden Larry Clark

California Los Angeles Mission

1591 East Temple Way

Los Angeles, CA  90024-5801


We are excited and grateful to have Elder Clark serve in the California Los Angeles Mission.  Our desire is to help him succeed and magnify his calling.  We will do everything possible to see that he remains healthy, actively engaged, challenged, and happy in his missionary labors.  Please be assured that his welfare and happiness are of primary concern to us.


The information attached answers many of the questions frequently asked. Should you have any questions or concerns during the course of Elder Clark's mission, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sincerely yours,


Valeri V Cordón


California Los Angeles Mission

(310) 474-2593


Elder Clark 


Aiden with President and Sister Cordon

Aiden with his companion Elder Hendrickson

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