Monday, March 15, 2021

Pool Party! lmk if u want the Addy, Week 13

 February 15, 2021

So nothing that crazy happened this week, we did some service for a Jewish church, haha, we totally impressed them and we finished unloading their food truck faster than ever, so that was fun. Burbank 3 has been a slow area but Elder Beckstrand and I have been on that grind and finally found some new friends to work with this week!! All the hard work and prayers paid off! Sooo stoked for that!  We also got transfer news yesterday and Burbank 2 was added to Burbank 3, so now my new comp and I have 2 areas to work with and one of them is being white washed by us (meaning a companionship in an area neither of us have had experience with) pretty stoked for that! 2 wards, 2 bishops, and hopefully double the amount of friends.. 

Moving day is tomorrow and I'm moving to an apartment complex with a pool... Catch me throwing pool parties!! 👀 haha jkjk

Nearly every single person I have taught or talked to is going through something hard. Anywhere from a death in the family, losing a home and/or losing their job. Yet they all find hope in one thing, the gospel. I've taught what enduring to the end is more times than I can count... it's a simple idea, until you are enduring. I always enjoy comparing it to running or working out, running is easy when we are running on a flat road but how much do we benefit from running on a flat road? How much do we gain from running up mountains? Our spiritual strength gets exercised and strengthened through the hard times and the hard times are an opportunity to become better, earth wouldn't be earth without the trials. Basically trials are for our benefit believe it or not, trials can lead to us becoming better people

Love, Elder Clark

Getting a cut from Elder Lee

Epic sunset

Valentines Day.....

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Hearing the Restoration over the pulpit Inbox

 July 26, 2021 Welcome back! I can't believe it has already been a week, mission time is flying by.  This is the run down of my week. - ...