Thursday, July 22, 2021

Easter/General Conference

April 5, 2021


New comp is nice, new area is slow, apartment is garbage haha life's gooood. There is a blessing in covering an area that has one friend...That blessing is that we can only go up (I hope) what a great opportunity! 

Let's get to the good stuff, Easter and General Conference! I don't know if it's because this is the most engaged I've ever been to a general conference but woah what an amazing conference! Lmk what your favorite talks/quotes are I would love to hear about y'all's experiences this weekend!

I have way too many favorite talks/Quotes but I'll start:

First off, I felt there was an emphasis on families and homes. Learning, loving, spiritual/temporal growth happens in the home as a family. President Eyring said that we may feel of our families embrace forever through partaking of temple ordinances worthily. This was one of my Favorite quotes from conference, it gives an eternal perspective of life and shows the importance of our families and the relationships we have with them. 

Anyway it's kinda late and I'm pretty tired so I'll share some more about conference next week! 

Love yall and hope you took advantage of the opportunity we had to hear from our prophet this weekend..if not, check it out on the lds website. 

Love, Elder Clark


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