Thursday, July 22, 2021

Service, Pies and Seeds 4/26/2021

 April 26, 2021

Welcome to my weekly, I didn't wanna write this but here I am :) hope y'all had a good week! And hope you are looking forward to this email, because I know I wasn't :) haha

This week was super solid, we set up quite a few appointments with people so I'm hoping we can get in contact with them and teach them the gospel 🙏

We did some service for a bar haha that was pretty ironic but the guys who ran the bar were super cool. Then we went over to a Jewish man's house named Ike, we helped him clean out his garage (see picture below) it was awful haha. We found a collection of stamps and some really nice baseball, football and basketball cards that he never knew he had.. Then he promised us if he gets rich off of selling that collection that he would buy us BRAND NEW CARS! hahahaha this guy was so funny, we also found a few New Testaments in his garage... If only he had read them.. Nahaha he's a super solid dude, great guy all around.

So to sum up my week in a few words, we had tons of service opportunities and planted lots of seeds. Oh! And I baked a banana cream pie for a PMF and now we have a very wholesome pie trade happening. Every time we teach them we pass the pie pan around haha it's sick. 

Spiritual thought: This week I listened to a devotional by Elder Stevenson, he talked about fear.. Fear is something we all experience in life, whether that is fear of spiders, snakes or fear of change it is all fear. He specifically focused on fear of rejection or failure. 
    In 1905 a Prestigious University turned down a PHD dissertation saying it was "irrelevant or fanciful" The student who wrote the dissertation was Albert Einstein.. He rejected the rejection and went on to be a man we learn about in school. 
    It's important to keep a perspective of reality in times of fear but not letting them define you, let the barriers you face in life be external not internal. 

That's all, hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a great week! 

Love, Elder Clark

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Hearing the Restoration over the pulpit Inbox

 July 26, 2021 Welcome back! I can't believe it has already been a week, mission time is flying by.  This is the run down of my week. - ...