Thursday, August 5, 2021

Beach parties

June 28, 2021

This week was a blast! We went to the beach, visited a lot of people and we even had 3 friends show up at church. Now that might not be impressive but when you only have 12 people in the congregation.. It's pretty exciting, hahaha. It's really interesting being in a branch compared to the massive wards back in Utah, super fun and friendly because everyone knows everyone, it's a blast! 

This week I was able to meet the friends that we have in the YSA branch and they are interesting but we have some that are progressing really well. We actually dropped one because he didn't want to learn more about the Book of Mormon and wanted to bash (I wrecked him in the bash) but yep he was dropped the same day I met him, haha. 

I'm starting something new in my emails it'll be called "a reminder that I'm in LA" it'll just be me flexing about cool stuff or cool people I meet haha 😎 

A reminder that I'm in LA: When my companion and I were at Manhattan Beach we saw Pat Mcafee.. I didn't really know who he was but my comp knew him and you football fans reading this probably know him 🤘

Spiritual thought:
This week l don't have a lot of time but Go read 2 Nephi: 2 it's one of my favorites!

Have a good week y'all! 
Love, Elder Clark


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