Thursday, August 5, 2021

The end of a Transfer & the start of a new adventure 6/21/2021

 June 21, 2021

his past transfer was a blast! but flew by.  Here are some highlights: 

- finding was great! 
- we found Chris! (the mountain bike legend) 
- Dorothy participated in sunday school (the first time she was at church) 
- We biked a lot on this transfer and had too much fun with it πŸ˜†
- ran into a Crackhead who forgot his crack pipe at the bus stop... But took our Book of Mormon
- crazy road rage dude 

I learned a lot.  I learned about how to be a missionary and what it means to be a "successful" Missionary. My testimony of Christ, the Book of Mormon, and prayer has been strengthened immensely. It's really interesting, every 'basher' we meet doesn't understand the Holy Ghost and it's so sad, haha. The Holy Ghost is the most important companion we can have, he guides us and protects us. Countless times my companion and I have been on the streets biking and praying to find someone to talk to and as we followed the promptings of the spirit we were able to find successfully and that has just been a piece of the help that I've been Given πŸ™ I know the spirit can change your life if you let it, so let it! Haha have a good week you bums ✌️ 

Scripture of the week: Galatians 5:22-23

22) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23) Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Love, Elder Clark


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Hearing the Restoration over the pulpit Inbox

 July 26, 2021 Welcome back! I can't believe it has already been a week, mission time is flying by.  This is the run down of my week. - ...