Monday, December 21, 2020

Week 3: Body Builders vs. Bapstism

 December 14, 2020

Whats good? Whats poppin?

The title... We started teaching a bodybuilder that wants to be baptized asap! 

This week started off with an exchange, I was companions with Elder Campbell for the day.  We started off with a few lessons and I had the opportunity to try mate (a foreign drink)for the first time... imagine licking a lawnmower blade on a hot summer day, it was terrible. 

The Highlight of the week was definitely Friday's "light the world" it was the challenge of "treats times two" we took a plate of cookies to a member or someone we were teaching, then from there we took another plate of cookies to one of their friends. Win-Win we get to teach someone new and they get a plate of cookies...made by teenagers.. 

Saturday was hectic! We started out with a service project until lunch and then we taught a lesson and dropped off a Bible/Book of Mormon to a friend. We then had ANOTHER lesson in the car after the drop off. We finally made it back home by 4pm and finished the day with some lessons and dinner from the Meyers! 

Elder Clark

Light the world delivery pic


Burnt Cookies 

Week 2: La la Land

 December 7, 2020

This week went great! I kinda know whats going on now so thats epic.. homeless people have started to wear more clothing, bless up ๐Ÿ™ and the car scene has gotten even better

we got back to mission work bright and early preparing for 'the toothpaste man's' lesson but he sadly had to reschedule :/  onthe bright side toothpaste business is booming. We went and did some service at the public affairs office getting ready for our light the world event. If you don't know what that is, I dropped a link at the bottom of the email so you can watch a quick 3 minute video about it :) Then finished off the day with a few lessons and some study.

we made french toast again

pretty chill day. Saw some sick cars, Aston Martin super leggera, a few other supercars and the sickest shelby cobra I've ever seen. Studied a lot in the morning then in the evening we set up a Light The World drive by activity and had a few really good come follow me lessons! (lessons with members)

WE DID IT! we finally taught 'toothpaste man'  it went great, we got to know him a bit and dove into the restoration of the gospel and challenged him to pray about the truthfulness of the book of mormon and got to schedule another lesson with him for next week. Baller. We got in contact with 2 new friends who wanted to have lessons and taught them which was pretty exciting. We also got lunch and dinner fed to us, bless up.

Spiritual thought of email: Prayer can be one of the most meaningful and the most spiritually benefiting things we can do. I like to think of it as a conversation between us and God (our heavenly father) in order to keep it sincere and meaningful. When we are looking for guidance, a miracle, or just need someone to talk to, God will always be there for us watching over us, giving us personal revelation and blessing us with many simple and profound tender mercies (AKA miracles) in our lives.

This week was sick we got fed quite a few times, bless up ๐Ÿ™ we also learned as missionaries that kombucha has black tea, green tea AND alcohol in it...oops ha, 3 for 1 ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Light the world link:

Picture 1: pink sunset with temple

Picture 2: christmas lights at temple

Picture 3: Hike

Picture 4: pov lighting the world  ahaha


Week 1: Hopped off the plane at LAX

 November 30, 2020

LA is nuts... one week In and i've already seen one homeless dude bootie naked on the street, a hit and run then a protest. 

First day was very hectic because we had no itinerary and all new missionaries were left to figure out stuff on our own. Had a few meetings and the mission pres Told me to cut my hair in a joking way but low-key he was serious.. but that won't be happening   :) 

My second day was cool. It was my first full day in LA and my first day of teaching. I moved into my apartment and learned who my companion would be, he's pretty cool but neither of us know how to cook... so if u have easy cheap recipes send them my way!! I Taught my first lesson within an hour of moving into the apartment which was mega stressful but it went pretty good. Then finished the day off with lots of study and a few more lessons.

Then the rest of the week was very similar to my second day, lots of studies, getting to know my companion, learning how to be a missionary, learning the ward and quite a bit of teaching. I got to teach 3 in person lessons this week which is pretty good for covid times. LA is super strict so it's been tough but I've been getting out and walking around and learning the city but it's illegal to proselyte on the streets in LA.

A friend AKA an investigator named John AKA "the tooth paste man" was investigating the church before I arrived and they lost contact with him for months due to him being busy with work and such. On Thursday my companion and I were able to reconnect with him! He wanted some more lessons and "couldn't forget what we had taught him and had been thinking about it" so we set up a phone call for tomorrow. I was stoked!  

The car scene here is sooooo sick! Santa Monica has everything from G wagons to super cars and Supras. Anytime we leave the apartment we see something sick rolling down the street. Keeps me motivated ha

Also if you know anyone that hasn't been getting my emails and asked/wants to be on the list let me know and I will add them.

Picture 1: my companion, elder Hendrickson. He took 2nd in state for bowling in New mexico ๐Ÿคก  he's sick tho 

Picture 2: I made french toast!

Picture 3: We balled out for Thanksgiving. 

Picture 4: cool view walking around our apartment 

Made it to LA safely!

 From Aiden:

Made it here safe! Flew with like 9 kids then tons more showed up at the mission office or wherever I am. So far they have given us no information/schedule so I've just been chilling in the temple housing with some random kid AKA my temporary companion. Not only have they given us no info. on what we are supposed to be doing but they also forgot to bring me my dinner so I had to go find it ha! Love this mission thing so much already. This place is very dairy free friendly... had some chicken Alfredo for dinner with a chocolate cake as dessert. Epic 

From the Mission President:

25 Nov 2020 


Sister Clark,


Elder Aiden Larry Clark arrived safely to this mission 23 Nov 2020. After prayerful consideration, Elder Seth Hendrickson was selected to be his companion.  We make every effort to assign only the very best missionaries to be trainers, as these first few months are critical in the life of a new missionary.  Attached are some arrival pictures of your missionary.


During the course of his mission he will be transferred from place to place, therefore, we ask that all his mail be sent to the following address:


Elder Aiden Larry Clark

California Los Angeles Mission

1591 East Temple Way

Los Angeles, CA  90024-5801


We are excited and grateful to have Elder Clark serve in the California Los Angeles Mission.  Our desire is to help him succeed and magnify his calling.  We will do everything possible to see that he remains healthy, actively engaged, challenged, and happy in his missionary labors.  Please be assured that his welfare and happiness are of primary concern to us.


The information attached answers many of the questions frequently asked. Should you have any questions or concerns during the course of Elder Clark's mission, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Sincerely yours,


Valeri V Cordรณn


California Los Angeles Mission

(310) 474-2593


Elder Clark 


Aiden with President and Sister Cordon

Aiden with his companion Elder Hendrickson

Home MTC and off to LA, California


November 3 - November 23, 2020


I wasn't sure what to expect with Aiden's missionary setting apart but it ended up being pretty wonderful.  We only invited the grandparents and our Bishop and then the entire Stake Presidency came.  The setting apart was awesome and said so many things that I wish I would have written down...but I didn't.  

The MTC room.  From the time Aid was set apart there was a noticeable difference in him.  I was not super excited about him doing home MTC but it is an experience that I am so grateful for.  Watching Aid transition into a missionary  was such a blessing.  I can't even really put it into words but seeing him as an 18 year old boy one day and then as an 18 year old Elder the next day was mind blowing.  Jason and I both admitted that when we walked by the MTC room we would pause outside of it just to listen to him. 

 Some screenshots of the Elders he was in the MTC with.


November 8 at 9 pm was when the Governor did a new stay at home mandate.  Fortunately Aiden's friend farewell was at 2:30 that same day so we were able to squeeze it in before the mandate went into affect.

Parker and Aiden are best friends.  Parker leaves in January for Iowa City to serve his mission.

Aiden and Tom have been friends since 5th grade and ran XC for 7 years together.

On Sunday, November 22 we took Aiden around to all of the family to say one last good-bye before he flew out the next day.

Haley's kids wrote a message on the sidewalk and also made him posters - it was so cute!

Off to LA, California

Saying good-bye to Buddy

A selfie at Cubby's on the way to the airport

Best-worst day ever but look at that smile....he was so excited to go!

Hearing the Restoration over the pulpit Inbox

 July 26, 2021 Welcome back! I can't believe it has already been a week, mission time is flying by.  This is the run down of my week. - ...